
This training is directed at anyone interested in understanding the opportunities offered by ELTIF, as well as its legal and operational constraints.


Experts in Investment Management will share their experience and answer your questions during the session.

This training has been developed and will be delivered by Marc Meyers, Managing Partner, and Dr. Sebastiaan Hooghiemstra, Senior Associate.


  • What is an ELTIF
  • The road from ELTIF 1.0 to ELTIF 2.0
  • ELTIF 2.0 – overview changes
  • Product Requirements
    • Eligible investment assets
    • Conflicted investments
    • Investment Restrictions
    • Portfolio Composition & Diversification Rules
    • Concentration Rules
    • Restricted Activities
    • Borrowing Restrictions
  • Luxembourg fund toolbox & ELTIFs
  • Redemption, Matching Mechanisms & Listing
  • ELTIF Depositary Requirements
  • Transparency requirements (e.g. prospectus, PRIIPs)
  • Protection for Retail Investors
  • European obstacles ahead

Participation certificate

A participation certificate will be issued after the training session.


2 hours.

Practical information and cancellation policy

Please read carefully our practical information and cancellation policy here.

More information

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