Digital Economy Platforms
The podcast discusses the place platform workers occupy in the digital economy, which rights and obligations they have, and which challenges they and the platforms they work for are facing from a civil law and tax perspective. The uncertainty of the legal status of platform workers is a hot topic and frequently results in court cases in various countries. In the podcast a couple of these cases are discussed and the relevance of an adequate qualification of the working relationship is explained.

Digital Platform workers
Digitalization has had a significant impact on the market and its participants, including digital platform workers. Due to the lack of ‘hard and fast rules’ discussions could arise as to whether a platform worker qualifies as an employee or self-employed worker. These discussions could arise between the platform business and the platform worker, but could for example also be initiated by the tax authorities.
Qualification of the working relationship
The qualification of a platform worker as an employee or self-employed worker may have a serious effect on the applicable rights, obligations, and the degree of protection the individual is entitled to. The adequate qualification of the working relationship between the platform business and worker is not only of relevance to the platform worker, but also to the platform business as a wrong qualification could have substantial consequences for the platform business, both from a civil law and tax law perspective.
Up to date in 25 minutes
Interested to know more about platform economy and the employment and tax position of platform workers and how to avoid risks of a wrong qualification as much as possible? Tune into our podcast via the button or your favorite podcast player, which you find below. Listening will take approximately 25 minutes of your time.
Do you have any questions about Digital Platform workers or would you like to discuss your specific situation? Please do not hesitate to contact our Digital Economy team or speakers of the podcast, whose contact details can be found below. Our experts are always happy to advise you on this or any other subject.
Although this podcast has been compiled with great care, Loyens & Loeff and all other entities, partnerships, persons and practices trading under the name ‘Loyens & Loeff’, cannot accept any liability for the consequences of making use of this issue without their cooperation. The information provided is intended as general information and cannot be regarded as advice.