Harold Asbreuk
Senior Associate - Attorney at Law
Harold Asbreuk, attorney at law - tax adviser, is a member of the Tax practice group and the Corporate Investigations Team.

Harold specialises in tax litigation (objection/appeal/cassation concerning tax assessments), advising clients not only during inquiries by the tax inspector and/or the Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service but also in disputes with the tax collector (liabilities). After his study he worked at Nooteboom c.s. from 1989 until 1999.
HaroldĀ teaches procedural tax law at the EFS (European Fiscal Studies) Foundation of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. He also writes about procedural tax law topics for the NDFR.
Harold Asbreuk
Senior Associate - Attorney at Law
Dutch, English, German

<p>Harold Asbreuk, attorney at law - tax adviser, is a member of the Tax practice group and the Corporate Investigations Team.</p>
Harold specialises in tax litigation (objection/appeal/cassation concerning tax assessments), advising clients not only during inquiries by the tax inspector and/or the Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service but also in disputes with the tax collector (liabilities). After his study he worked at Nooteboom c.s. from 1989 until 1999.
HaroldĀ teaches procedural tax law at the EFS (European Fiscal Studies) Foundation of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. He also writes about procedural tax law topics for the NDFR.