Real Estate

Thanks to our dedicated team with many years of (multidisciplinary) real estate expertise we are always on top of market trends and new legislation. Whether it concerns construction, project development, real estate transactions, asset management or real estate funds and platforms; our advisers know what your business is dealing with and will assist you to achieve your goals and business objectives.

Energy & Infrastructure

The European Green Deal and geo-political situation are fueling the European Energy & Infrastructure space and general economy on a scale never seen before. Integrated Energy & Infrastructure projects, investments, transactions, litigation, ESG developments and regulatory policy changes require increasingly detailed and cross-sectional advice. Loyens & Loeff is committed to a sustainable future for our people and our planet. As professionals we are proud to commit our knowledge and experience to reach your sustainable objectives. Whether you are a project developer, contactor, bank, corporate, fund or utility, you can rely on our firm’s long-standing experience to navigate you through these European developments with tailored high-quality advice. Our firm provides you with a full-service advice and support.

Life Sciences & Healthcare

Rapid transformation in the Life Sciences & Healthcare industry requires organisations to strike a balance between market potential, policy compliance and patient demands with continued innovation. We are all affected by this sector and it falls under heavy social and political scrutiny. Regulation of competition in the sector has also made it increasingly dynamic and challenging. As the demand for life sciences and healthcare services is ever-growing, so too are the strains and scrutiny placed on its decision makers. With the largest Life Sciences & Healthcare Team in the Dutch market, we can relate to our clients and deliver top tier services to our clients during all the stages of business lifecycle.

Private Equity & Funds

The success of your private equity fund and your investments is highly dependent on compliance with increasingly stringent and ever-changing legal and tax regulations. Whether you are a private equity or venture capital fund manager, a professional investor or a high-net-worth entrepreneur, you can rely on Loyens & Loeff's Private Equity team, made up of highly specialised lawyers, tax advisors and notaries, who advise on the most complex and challenging transactions.