Young PE Academy
Our Young Private Equity Academy offers two different comprehensive afternoon sessions on Thursday 31 October and Thursday 21 November, covering crucial topics in the private equity landscape. From fund structures and deal-making strategies to legal considerations and industry innovations, our expert speakers will provide valuable insights.

The sessions have already taken place
During the first session, there will be an interview with Rob van der Laan, Founder and Managing Partner from NewPort Capital. Before he started his company, he was partner at Bencis Capital Partners and Boer & Croon. Our senior associates Claire Scholten, Sebastiaan Verkerk and Mike Rib will lead the discussion and will touch upon recent trends in the private equity market. After that, we will continue the afternoon with an interactive challenge.
In the second session, a number of critical commercial elements in M&A transactions from a legal perspective will be discussed, followed by an interactive discussion with private equity professionals to explore these considerations from a deal execution and portfolio management standpoint. There is a panel with Berend Smit from Seven2, Cos Vrins fom Gimv and Jonas Kruip from Main Capital Partners.
Following each session, we invite you to join us for networking drinks from 17:00 CET onwards. This provides an excellent opportunity to continue discussions, connect with peers, and engage with industry experts.
Target group
Young and medior PE professionals. Workshops are given by our Funds/PE specialists in English.
Dates and time
We encourage you to register for both as they cover different topics.
Thursday 31 October - Session 1 - 15:00 - 17:00 CET
Thursday 21 November - Session 2 - 15:00 - 17:00 CET
By attending these sessions you can earn one studypoint for NOB, NOvA or KNB.