Prior to joining Loyens & Loeff in 2017, she was a researcher at the Universiteit Antwerpen. Linda defended her PHD thesis on the tax residence of companies in January 2018. From 2004 until 2011 she was a Tax Advisor and focused on national and international tax issues of multinational groups and on corporate restructuring. In this role, she also worked at the Belgian tax desk in New York.

Linda is currently also a Professor of Tax Law at the Universiteit Antwerpen and member of the Antwerp Tax Academy. She specialises in national and international tax law with regard to businesses. Linda is a regular speaker at conferences and publishes regularly in these areas. She sits on the board of editors of Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal recht.


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Brussels Bar, 2021
Antwerp Tax Academy
International Fiscal Association
Member of the Editorial Board of Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht  
Belgian Association of Tax Lawyers
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Doctor in Law, Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium), 2018
LL.M. in International Taxation, Universiteit Leiden (the Netherlands), 2004
Master’s Degree in Tax Law, Universiteit Gent (Belgium), 2003
Law degree, Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium), 2002
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L. BROSENS, De Deense zaken: retroactiviteit vs. rechtszekerheid, Tijdschrift voor fiscaal recht 2021, p. 463-467
L. BROSENS, De jacht op de holding: is het Italiaanse Hoogste Gerechtshof het noorden kwijt? Tijdschrift voor fiscaal recht 2021, p. 159-167
L. BROSENS and J. BOSSUYT, Legitimacy in international tax law-making: can the OECD remain the guardian of open tax norms? World Tax Journal 2020, no. 2, 1-64.
L. BROSENS and S. VAN GILS, Impact van corona op de toepassing van dubbelbelastingverdragen, Internationale Fiscale Actualiteit 2020/5, 1-10.
L. BROSENS, “Is fiscale optimalisatie via holding- en financieringsstructuren nog mogelijk na de Denmark-arresten?”, SEW 2019/09, 395-403.
For a more comprehensive list of publications see: Publicaties Linda Brosens | Linda Brosens | Universiteit Antwerpen (
Pillar Two webinar series
09:30 - 10:30 CET
Pillar Two webinar series
Our Pillar Two experts will host a series of webinars addressing specific aspects of the Pillar Two rules.

Linda Brosens

Of Counsel - Attorney at Law


Dutch, English, French

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<p>Linda Brosens, attorney at law, is a member of the Loyens & Loeff International Tax Services Practice Group in our Brussels office where she works as a lawyer and Knowledge Manager. She is also a member of the Mandatory Disclosure (DAC6) Team and of various knowledge groups (a.o. with respect to Pillar Two, BEFIT and Substance). </p>

Prior to joining Loyens & Loeff in 2017, she was a researcher at the Universiteit Antwerpen. Linda defended her PHD thesis on the tax residence of companies in January 2018. From 2004 until 2011 she was a Tax Advisor and focused on national and international tax issues of multinational groups and on corporate restructuring. In this role, she also worked at the Belgian tax desk in New York.

Linda is currently also a Professor of Tax Law at the Universiteit Antwerpen and member of the Antwerp Tax Academy. She specialises in national and international tax law with regard to businesses. Linda is a regular speaker at conferences and publishes regularly in these areas. She sits on the board of editors of Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal recht.