Yannick's specific expertise includes IT outsourcing, implementation, maintenance, and development. He also frequently offers strategic advice on IT and technology mergers and acquisitions (M&A), restructurings, and disentanglements, including transitional services agreements (TSAs).

Branding icon


Dutch bar association
Dutch Association for Information Technology and Law
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Postdoc IT law, Grotius Academy, 2019-2020 (cum laude)
The Law Firm School, Nijmegen, 2018
Commercial and Company Law (LL.M.), Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2014
Ondernemingsrecht (LL.M.), Leiden University, 2015
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Y. Geryszewski & P. Schoenmakers, De Transitional Services Agreement: het ondergeschoven kindje van de transactie?, TOP 2022/346 (afl. 7, p. 20-25)

What others say

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"Yannick Geryszewski is a very knowledgeable, proactive and pragmatic attorney. He is quickly up to speed in complex matters and great to work with."
Legal 500 - EMEA (2024)
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"Pjotr Heemskerk and Yannick Geryszewski are fast-thinking, knowledgeable and quick to respond. Pjotr Heemskerk cannot be beaten when it comes to knowledge of contract law and intellectual property law, and Yannick Geryszewski is about to take over the Dutch IT law market."
Legal 500 - EMEA (2024)
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"Yannick Geryszewski will always allocate his deep knowledge of IT law to your business" unique needs."
Legal 500 - EMEA (2024)
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Yannick Geryszewski named "Rising star" in Industry focus: Information Technology
Legal 500 - EMEA (2024)
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Yannick Geryszewski named "Key lawyer" in Industry focus: Information Technology
Legal 500 - EMEA (2024)
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‘Yannick Geryszewski actively presents different possibilities. He also thinks practically and ensures that parties that are not legally literate can also understand the matter.’
Legal 500 - EMEA (2023)
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Yannick Geryszewski named "Rising star" in Industry Focus: Information Technology
Legal 500 - EMEA (2023)
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Yannick Geryszewski named "Key lawyer" in Industry Focus: Information Technology
Legal 500 - EMEA (2023)
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‘Yannick Geryszewski is a senior associate to watch. Very knowledgeable and fast-thinking. Strong track record in M&A which is very relevant in tech transactions.’
Legal 500 - EMEA (2022)
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"Senior associate Yannick Geryszewski is highly rated for his expertise in transactions and has experience in service agreements and software and data migration."
Legal 500 - EMEA (2022)
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Mr. Yannick Geryszewsk is also a positive thinker with exceptional personal and communication skills.
Legal 500 - EMEA (2020)
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"Positive thinker’ Yannick Geryszewski plays a central role in the team’s risk management and litigation work"
Legal 500 - EMEA (2020)
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Yannick Geryszewski

Senior Associate - Attorney at Law



Dutch , English

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<p>Yannick Geryszewski, attorney at law, specialises in IT and technology transactions and contracting.<br><br>Drawing on his Corporate/M&A background, Yannick negotiates efficiently and practically, consistently balancing commercial and technical considerations.<br></p>

Yannick's specific expertise includes IT outsourcing, implementation, maintenance, and development. He also frequently offers strategic advice on IT and technology mergers and acquisitions (M&A), restructurings, and disentanglements, including transitional services agreements (TSAs).