Restructuring & Insolvency
Ever-changing market conditions require businesses to regularly assess their debt structure. Our international Restructuring and Insolvency team can be relied on for integrated legal advice on the optimal financial structure for your business.
Our extensive experience in large and complex restructurings and insolvencies, domestic and cross border, is the best guarantee for tailor-made advice fully in line with your business.

How we can help
To effectively address your questions, we will assemble a multidisciplinary team with the required expertise - from corporate law, tax and finance, to litigation. Being part of a full-service and international firm also allows us to scale up if necessary. Our team supports bondholders, lenders, investors, debtors, shareholders, creditors, alternative investment fund managers, distressed companies and their management, and principal stakeholders, including in the investment fund context, with assistance and tailor-made advice in restructuring (whether or not internal) and insolvency situations.
All areas covered
You can count on us to deal with all issues related to debt restructuring and distressed (re)financing, whether through equity cures, waiver preparations, or enforcement of security rights by lenders, or otherwise. We also advise in debtor protection proceedings, enforcement proceedings or any other type of insolvency proceedings.
Work Highlights
In its USD 20 billion debt restructuring, the largest-ever in Latin-America, our team assisted Brazilian telecom company Oi with the successfully approved offer of two composition plans in the Dutch judicial insolvency proceedings of Oi’s financing companies.
We advised the Bartec Group, a global market leader in explosion protection, in their debt restructuring. Our multidisciplinary team included specialists from our Corporate, Banking & Finance and Tax teams in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland.