
This training is directed at anyone interested in minimising the likelihood of a challenge or audit before a tax dispute arises, in learning how to best address it or in resolving tax disputes efficiently.


Experts in Tax will share their experience and answer your questions during the training session.

This training has been developed and will be delivered by our Partner Peter Moons and our Senior Associates Karin Finné and Pierre-Antoine Klethi.


  • Overview of applicable legislation and relevant authorities
  • Setting up a controversy strategy
    • Preparing for audits, drafting, and filing responses and objections
    • Preparing for tax litigation
  • Developments in tax litigation strategies and procedures
  • Key topics in Luxembourg tax controversy (including VAT)
  • Relevant recent Luxembourg case law developments
  • Strategic considerations and trends

Participation certificate

A participation certificate will be issued after the training session.


2 hours followed by a networking opportunity with snacks and drinks.

Practical information and cancellation policy

Please read carefully our practical information and cancellation policy here.

More information

Click here for more information about THE ACADEMY by Loyens & Loeff.