The M&A Forum took place at the Brussels offices of law firm Loyens & Loeff, with a beautiful view on the city as background. Community manager Daphné Debaenst welcomed the more than 50 guests and observed a mix of familiar and new faces in the audience, a clear sign that more and more M&A professionals find their way to the initiatives.
Robrecht Coppens and Thomas Lenné, partners at Loyens & Loeff, took a few minutes to explain the importance of the topic at hand and why the law firm wanted to host this event.

After this introduction, it was Julien Cayet, Technology & Innovation Director at Loyens & Loeff, who kicked off the content part.
For Cayet, there are several major drivers behind digitalization and the rise of legaltech. The client side that wants to be served as (cost)-efficiently as possible is one of them. On the industry side, many new players are emerging who have mastered this technology, forcing established parties to join in as well. A third driver is that legaltech is now mature enough to create real impact. And, last but not least, there is of course the COVID-19 pandemic that gave home working and hybrid working a huge boost.

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Read the full article on the website of House of Executives