The transaction was part of the restructuring of GERRY WEBER, a worldwide operating group headquartered in Halle/Westphalia.
Robus Capital Management is a London and Frankfurt based asset management firm with a strong focus on debt obligations, such as senior loans, bonds, mezzanine, and convertibles of mid-market issuers. Robus invests via primary and secondary markets and favours situations which are complex and require in-depth analysis. Their regional focus is on continental Europe, and in particular German speaking countries.
Our Banking & Finance, Tax and Corporate M&A teams, led by Anne-Marie Nicolas, Jochem van der Wal and Siobhan McCarthy respectively, combined their expertise in advising Robus in this transaction.
The Banking & Finance team also included: Richard Steichen (Associate), Alvaro Garrido Mesa (Senior Associate)
The Corporate M&A team also included: Vera Pavelka (Associate)
The Tax team also included: Tom Hamen (Associate)