In the latest podcast episode ‘The Future of FinTech in light of Brexit’ of the ’EACCNY Brexit Musings’ series, our Digital Economy expert Martijn Schoonewille and Daniel Klein Velderman, Head of NFIA in New York are discussing both the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings to the table for FinTech parties while highlighting changes which may also benefit and impact US firms.

Martijn Schoonewille, Partner Financial Regulatory: ''The recently announced European Digital Finance Strategy emphasizes the importance the European Commission attaches to FinTech''

Listen the full podcast here or via your favourite podcast app Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Let's connect

Should you require any assistance from a Financial Regulatory perspective, or do you wish to discuss this podcast episode in more detail? Please feel free to contact Martijn Schoonewille or Jildis Deumens via the contact details below.