Updated 25 July: Read our new edition of the Quoted that adresses new forms of Dutch (F)DI screening.


For a more in-depth analysis of the new FDI screening mechanisms, you can listen to the new episode of our podcast Loyens & Loeff Now. In this latest episode, FDI screening in the Netherlands, lawyers Victor van Nuland and Boyd Wolffers discuss the implications of these new regulations and their impact on the transaction practice.

The Netherlands has introduced two FDI screening mechanisms: the General FDI Screening Mechanism and the Act Undue Influence Telecommunications. The first, the General FDI Screening Mechanism, has not entered into force yet, but will be partly retroactive from 8 September 2020. The Act Undue Influence Telecommunications however, has already entered into force in October 2020.

To help you assess whether your transaction falls under the scope of the new FDI screening regulations and what that entails, our Competition & Regulatory experts have developed a helpful infographic.

Click on the image below to open the infographic. 


FDI screening mechanisms - Infographic

To help you assess whether your transaction falls under the scope of the new FDI screening regulations and what that entails, our Competition & Regulatory experts have developed a helpful infographic.


Quoted edition - FDI screening mechanisms

The latest edition of our newsletter Quoted is entirely devoted to FDI screening mechanisms in the Netherlands and offers an in-depth look at the new (draft) regulations that have recently been introduced in the Netherlands.