As a leading firm, Loyens & Loeff is the logical choice for a legal and tax partner if you do business in or from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, our home markets. You can count on personal advice from any of our 900 advisers based in one of our offices in the Benelux and Switzerland or in key financial centres around the world. Thanks to our full-service practice, specific sector experience and thorough understanding of the market, our advisers comprehend exactly what you need.

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How we can help

As a leading firm, Loyens & Loeff is the logical choice for a legal and tax partner if you do business in or from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, our home markets. You can count on personal advice from any of our 900 advisers based in one of our offices in the Benelux and Switzerland or in key financial centres around the world. Thanks to our full-service practice, specific sector experience and thorough understanding of the market, our advisers comprehend exactly what you need.

An increasing number of banks and financial institutions have responded to the growing demand of financing from investment funds.
Middle East & North Africa
At our Rotterdam office, our attorneys, tax advisers and civil law notaries work closely together in various legal fields
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Implementing Pillar One & Pillar Two

Implementing Pillar One & Pillar Two

Building upon work conducted for several years on how to adapt the international tax rules to an increasingly digitalised economy, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework proposes a two-pillar overhaul of the existing system as from 2023/2024. While the main policy features are agreed, detailed model rules and draft multilateral conventions are due to be released over 2022.

Tax directors and their teams can already model the impact, prepare for the additional tax compliance burden and assess opportunities for manageable restructurings to mitigate the increased complexity.


All Podcasts

Digital Economy Platforms

The podcast discusses the place platform workers occupy in the digital economy, which rights and obligations they have, and which challenges they and the platforms they work for are facing from a civi

Klokkenluiders – over regelgeving en het belang van een open bedrijfscultuur

Naar verwachting treedt de Wet bescherming klokkenluiders dit jaar in werking.

2022: Let’s de-SPAC!

With an abundance of capital in global markets and limited opportunities to invest in, we saw a rise of ‘SPACs’ in Europe in 2021.

Zorgverzek­er­ing­polis­sen en het hin­der­paal­cri­teri­um

In deze podcast staan zorgverzekeringpolissen en met name het hinderpaalcriterium centraal.
Let's talk legal

Capital band and interim dividends

The podcast about the introduction of the capital band and the possibility to distribute interim dividends

How ESG contributes to sustainable investment futures

How ESG & corporate purpose contribute to a sustainable investment future
Let's talk legal

Gender ratios, executive compensation & independent proxy advisors

In the Loyens & Loeff Switzerland podcast series “Let’s talk legal”, we provide succinct insights into key Swiss legal issues and developments. In five episodes, we talk about the main aspects of the

Bedrijfsopvolging, hoe een goede voorbereiding het verschil kan maken

In onze Tackling podcast: ‘Bedrijfsopvolging, hoe een goede voorbereiding het verschil kan maken’, bespreken ze op welke wijze een bedrijfsopvolging binnen het familiebedrijf het beste kan worden voor

New FDI screen­ing mech­a­nisms in the Nether­lands

The Netherlands recently introduced two FDI screening mechanisms that will have significant impact on the transaction practice and apply to domestic and foreign investors.
Let's talk legal

Shareholder activism: Minority rights and shareholder lawsuits

Let's talk about changes to minority rights and shareholder lawsuits potentially affecting shareholder activism in Switzerland in the future
Let's talk legal

Liq­uid­i­ty su­per­vi­sion and con­flicts of in­ter­est

Lets talk about the duties of the board of directors and more specifically about liquidity supervision and conflicts of interest.
Let's talk legal

Mod­ernising com­pa­ny law

In this episode, Gilles Pitschen and Nathalie Vainio will talk about the modernisation of the rules in relation to the shareholders’ meeting and resolutions.