Daan specialises in Dutch corporate income tax, dividend withholding tax and international tax matters with a focus on Pillar Two. He advises a wide range of internationally operating corporate clients, primarily multionationals based in the United States.

Daan is an active member of the Loyens & Loeff Pillar Two Team and frequently acts as speaker on internal and external events on Pillar Two.

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Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB), 2021
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Master Tax Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2021
Bachelor Tax Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2019
Bachelor International Business Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2018
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Van Dam, J.K.H., Mulder, Q.M.M & Jongebloed, D.F.H. (2023) De herkarakterisering van een transactie onder de OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines en de jurisprudentie van de Hoge Raad. Weekblad Fiscaal Recht, 2023/174, 21-28.

Daan Jongebloed

Associate - Tax Adviser



English, Dutch

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<p>Daan Jongebloed specialises in advising internationally operating corporate clients on Dutch and international tax matters, Pillar Two in particular. </p>

Daan specialises in Dutch corporate income tax, dividend withholding tax and international tax matters with a focus on Pillar Two. He advises a wide range of internationally operating corporate clients, primarily multionationals based in the United States.

Daan is an active member of the Loyens & Loeff Pillar Two Team and frequently acts as speaker on internal and external events on Pillar Two.