Daniel advises financial institutions, regulated entities, service providers, Fintech companies, insurance firms, investment funds, and listed companies on cross-border and domestic projects. He also represents clients before regulatory authorities such as the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and the Swiss stock exchanges, in administrative, regulatory, and criminal proceedings.

His core areas of expertise include derivatives transactions, digital assets, IPOs, public M&A, disclosure obligations, market abuse law, ESG and sustainable finance. He is frequently consulted for expert opinions in his fields of specialization, including corporate, trade, contract, and foundation law.

In addition to his legal practice, Daniel is the Dean and a Professor at Kalaidos Law School and teaches at the University of Zurich. He publishes regularly in his field and is the author of a book on corporate communication in corporate and financial market law.

Before joining Loyens & Loeff in 2025, Daniel worked at leading international and Swiss law firms.

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Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV)
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Professor, Kalaidos University of Applied Science, Switzerland, 2019
Privatdozent (PD, habil.), University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2015
LL.M., Yale Law School, 2007
Admission to the Bar of Zurich, Bar Comission of Zurich, Switzerland, 2005
PhD in Law (Dr. iur.), University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2003
Master of Law (lic. iur.), University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2000
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Dedeyan, D. (2024). Commentaries on Art. 2, 7, 11, 118a–p of the Swiss Collective Investment Fund Act, in: Dedeyan, D. et al. (eds.). Bern, Switzerland: Stämpfli.
Dedeyan, D., & Gotschev, G. (2024). Commentary on Art. 16–17 of the Swiss Publicity Act / Art. 14–16 of the Swiss Publicity Ordinance. In: Maurer-Lambrou, U. et al. (eds.). Data Protection Act / Publicity Act (4th ed.). Basel, Switzerland: Helbing Lichtenhahn.
Dedeyan, D. (2024). Greenwashing from a legal perspective (2024). In: SIX Swiss Exchange (ed.). Sustainability for listed companies. Zurich, Switzerland. https://handbooks.six-group.com/en/sustainability/greenwashing-aus-rechtlicher-sicht
Dedeyan, D. (2023). Liability for corporate communication: New risks from sustainability related regulation (Haftung für fehlerhafte Unternehmenskommunikation: Neue Risiken im Zuge der Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung). In: Isler, P. R., & Sethe, R. (eds.), Managerhaftung bei Unternehmensrisiken und -zusammenbrüchen, Zurich, Switzerland: EIZ. PP. 67-102.
Dedeyan, D. (2015). Regulation of corporate communication: Corporate and financial market law in the light of communication theory (Regulierung der Unternehmenskommunikation: Aktien- und Kapitalmarktrecht auf kommunikationstheoretischer Grundlage). Zurich, Switzerland & Baden-Baden, Germany: Schulthess.
Dedeyan, D. (2003). Power through signs: Legal problems of labelling and certification systems (Macht durch Zeichen. Rechtsprobleme der Kennzeichnung und Zertifikation). Baden-Baden, Germany & Zurich, Switzerland: Nomos.

Daniel Dedeyan



English, German, French

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<p>Daniel Dedeyan, Prof. habil. Dr., LL.M. (Yale), attorney-at-law, is a partner in the Banking & Finance Expertise Group, specialising in financial market law and capital markets transactions.</p>

Daniel advises financial institutions, regulated entities, service providers, Fintech companies, insurance firms, investment funds, and listed companies on cross-border and domestic projects. He also represents clients before regulatory authorities such as the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and the Swiss stock exchanges, in administrative, regulatory, and criminal proceedings.

His core areas of expertise include derivatives transactions, digital assets, IPOs, public M&A, disclosure obligations, market abuse law, ESG and sustainable finance. He is frequently consulted for expert opinions in his fields of specialization, including corporate, trade, contract, and foundation law.

In addition to his legal practice, Daniel is the Dean and a Professor at Kalaidos Law School and teaches at the University of Zurich. He publishes regularly in his field and is the author of a book on corporate communication in corporate and financial market law.

Before joining Loyens & Loeff in 2025, Daniel worked at leading international and Swiss law firms.