Erdem Yüksel
Senior Associate - Attorney at Law
Erdem Yüksel, attorney at law, is a member of the Family Owned Business & Private Wealth Practice Group in our Brussels office.

French, English, Dutch, Turkish
Erdem focuses on national and international taxation and advises both companies and individuals.
He joined Loyens & Loeff in 2021.
Work highlights
Brussels Bar, 2018
Executive Master in Tax Management, Solvay Brussels School (Belgium), 2020
Master in Law, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), 2018
J. MEEÙS et E. YÜKSEL, « Belgique : la taxe sur les comptes-titres 2.0 », Revue Fiscalité Internationale, 2021/2
DELANOTE and E. YÜKSEL, “Le nouveau Code du recouvrement : premières considérations générales”, R.F.R.L., 2019/2, 125-131.
Erdem Yüksel
Senior Associate - Attorney at Law
French, English, Dutch, Turkish

<p>Erdem Yüksel, attorney at law, is a member of the Family Owned Business & Private Wealth Practice Group in our Brussels office.</p>
Erdem focuses on national and international taxation and advises both companies and individuals.
He joined Loyens & Loeff in 2021.