Laurien currently works within the Dispute Resolution expert group and is a member of the Privacy & Cybersecurity team. Laurien advises on a wide variety of topics related to the General Data Protection Regulation and ancillary legislation, such as the Dutch GDPR Implementation Act and the Dutch Telecommunications Act.

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Dutch Bar Association, 2022
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LL.M. Private Law, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2021
LL.B. Dutch Law, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2019
B.A. Liberal Arts & Sciences, Amsterdam University College (The Netherlands), 2018 (cum laude)
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Knorringa, L.J.G. & In ‘t Veld, L. (2021). Rivaliteit tussen Amsterdam en Rotterdam laait op: het kiezen van de peildatum voor schending van art. 2:394 BW in het licht van art. 2:138/248 BW. Tijdschrift voor Jaarrekeningenrecht, 3, p. 100-105.

Laurien Knorringa

Junior Associate - Attorney at Law


Dutch, English

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<p>Laurien Knorringa, attorney at law, is a member of the Dispute Resolution expert group (Privacy & Cybersecurity team) in our Amsterdam office. Laurien specializes in privacy and data protection law.</p>

Laurien currently works within the Dispute Resolution expert group and is a member of the Privacy & Cybersecurity team. Laurien advises on a wide variety of topics related to the General Data Protection Regulation and ancillary legislation, such as the Dutch GDPR Implementation Act and the Dutch Telecommunications Act.