Maïta manages and maintains know-how. She published several articles in Weekly of Private law, Notarial law and Registration (Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie) and was a notarial law lecturer at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Maïta contributed to the preliminary advice of the Royal Dutch Association of Civil Law Notaries (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie) regarding object-related funding and sustainable living in 2019.

In her role as senior deputy civil law notary she advised on direct and indirect transactions involving real estate and real estate property portfolios, real estate financing, the establishment of rights in rem and tenders.

Sectors & Markets
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Royal Dutch Association of Civil Law Notaries (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie)
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Professional Notarial Education (Stichting Beroepsopleiding Notariaat), 2009 - 2012
Master Notarial law, University of Leiden, 2002 - 2007
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Van Loenhoud, M.E.A. (2019), Eigendomssituatie WKO-systeem na einde tijdelijk opstalrecht, WPNR 2019/7221, p. 2-8.
Van Loenhoud, M.E.A. en Vonck, F.J. (2019), Objectgebonden financiering: wat zijn de mogelijkheden? in L.C.A. Verstappen en F.J. Vonck (red.), Duurzaam wonen (preadvies KNB), Den Haag: Sdu 2019, p. 175-202.
Van Loenhoud, M.E.A. (2020), Wet op het overleg huurders verhuurder bij vervreemding woongelegenheden, WPNR 2020/7270, p. 125-128.

Maïta van Loenhoud

Of Counsel - Senior Deputy Civil Law Notary


Dutch, English

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<p>Maïta van Loenhoud, Of Counsel and senior deputy civil law notary, is an expert in real estate topics.</p>

Maïta manages and maintains know-how. She published several articles in Weekly of Private law, Notarial law and Registration (Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie) and was a notarial law lecturer at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Maïta contributed to the preliminary advice of the Royal Dutch Association of Civil Law Notaries (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie) regarding object-related funding and sustainable living in 2019.

In her role as senior deputy civil law notary she advised on direct and indirect transactions involving real estate and real estate property portfolios, real estate financing, the establishment of rights in rem and tenders.