Energy & Infrastructure Regulatory
Energy and Infrastructure activities are carried out in highly regulated environments. Regulations may vary from tender criteria or zoning and permitting requirements to sector specific regulations on amongst others tariffs, quality of services and technical conditions. On the one hand, the magnitude and intensity of the applicable rules and regulations may at times feel overwhelming and be a barrier for, or slow down, the roll-out of initiatives and the development of new projects. On the other hand, a good understanding of the regulatory framework allows you to shape your position in transactions and may give you an edge in competitive situations.

13-03-2025CBb rejects the ACM’s priority scheme for electricity transport capacityThe Administrative Court for Trade and Industry (CBb, College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven) has annulled the prioritisation framework for electricity transmission requests of the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).Work highlightAlso in: Dutch
How we can help
We can help you to better understand the specific Energy & Infrastructure rules and regulations and to interpret and translate these into what is relevant for your project or transaction. We are happy to tailor the scope of our assistance to your needs. Whether you require urgent ad hoc advice on a punctual regulatory question or full-scope, full-lifecycle (permit-application-to-decommissioning) assistance for any energy or infrastructure project, we are happy to assist you.
Due to the short lines within our Energy & Infrastructure practice, our regulatory attorneys will, if and when required, instantly get in touch with other attorneys, notaries and tax advisers in the required area of expertise. Find out more about our Energy & Infrastructure related services.